Well, I do have a little secret that I do... I also, have an amazing site that I go to where this 'LOVELY' lady Beth at Budget Bytes calculates these meals out to the nearest penny. The meals are amazing! I am a picky eater and so is my daughter. And, we love the recipes on her site. Beth even has her meals categorized by types, or ingredient.
We go shopping once a week, and do not go in between. The only time we go in between is if we need fresh fruit for a recipe and specifically waited.
My list under the menu has everything that I may need that week. I go several months without buying any personal items like clothes, or jewelry. This also, leads to less money being spent. We do not buy materialist things and wait to buy things that we feel we 'want'. Now, if we come across a really good deal sometimes it is too hard to pass up. However, we do not buy 500 tubes of toothpaste just because it's on sale. We use coupons, however, we find that budgeting our money is better for us to save money.
I hope this tip helps you to save, it helps us every week!
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