
Fair is Fair

Recently, we have had 2 garage sales. They were definitely needed! When we moved last year in June, we brought a bunch of stuff with us that should have stayed... So, my goal this year was to simplify our lives as much as possible and focus on the things that matter the most to us. God and each other are our number one priorities. Well, with as big as our family is our kids get a lot of 'STUFF'.
In fact, we even had a lot of stuff. So, I told my daughter 'E' that if she got rid of some of the stuff that meant something to her, that I would get rid of things that mean something to me. Well, she collects snow globes, actually, they used to be mine now they are hers. And, I collect elephants. So, the deal was that if she got rid of some of her globes I would get rid of my elephants. Well, a deal is a deal and I personally feel that it's only fair. If she has to get rid of things then I should too.

It's just something to think about when you are cleaning out your children’s bed-room or toy-room. They may have to say good-bye to things that mean something to them or did mean something to them at one point in time. If they have to say good-bye to some of their belongings you should too.  Now, I am not saying that you need to go item for item.  However, they should see that you are making a sacrifice too, especially if they have to watch someone buy the item and take it from their home.

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