Well, in February I had had enough and went to an E.N.T (Ear Nose and Throat Doctor). It was time that I got my 'sinuses drilled'. Or, so I thought that is what needed to be done. My doctor said he was not going to touch me and that I needed to see a neurologist. Well, in March I was diagnosed with TN. I tried several different seizure medications that ended up not helping at all except for one. Baclofen stops muscle spasms and this medication has helped me tremendously. I also, have been going to my Chiropractor Dr. Boesky who has also helped me tremendously. In April, I was transferred to the University of Michigan Pain department to get treatment for managing this terrible pain I have had for YEARS. My first appointment with my pain doctor went great and I had to go back to have my pain meds refilled later in the May. On our way to Ann Arbor for my second appointment my husband and I prayed, "Please God just give us an answer, we just need to just figure out what this is." We prayed and then we were silent.
We reached the U of M waited to see the doctor and had my appointment. Well, during this appointment we discovered that I did NOT have Trigeminal Neuralgia. However, I do have Cervical Dystonia. There is a muscle in my neck that pulls and spasms during an episode. Which is why Baclofen works so great for me.
Now, that you know part of the story I can explain 'My Visual Blessing'. In May, before I had seen the Pain Doctor for the second time. I kind of had a melt down. It has been a pretty hard year for me and my family. Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and asked God, "Please, I just need a sign, please just a sign to let me know that there is a reason for all of this. I need to know that all of this pain and suffering means something. Please God." So, I fell back asleep and woke up at around 8 am. I kept talking to God privately for a few hours. Now, I know that you need to be very specific when talking to God. So, I asked to see an Owl. That is all I asked, just to see an Owl. I prayed, "God, please just show me an Owl, please give me a sign, and let that sign be an Owl. I need to know that all of this is for a reason."
My son and I were driving around and I called my husband and asked if he needed any gas which he did not. So, I stopped at a different gas station than I would have if he would have needed gas. Now, I have been to this gas station only one time before almost a year before. It just so happens that I am always going to a different gas station than this specific one.
I get out of the car and unbuckle my son and get him out of the car and walk up to gas station. And, low and behold there was an Owl. Not just one, but two. Hanging there, were two GIANT plastic Owls. I thought, are you serious?! Two plastic Owls looking right at me saying, "God wants you to know that we are your sign, you didn't ask for real ones so he let you have us." I could not believe it. It was an emotional moment that I will forever be thankful for. Thank you God for giving me such an amazing memory and such an amazing sign!
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