I know I am not the only one that suffers from this. And, that would be the inevitable broken nail. It usually happens to my left thumb and my right pointer finger. Without fail I go to grab something and it's heavier than I expected, and wham it bends my fingernail just enough to crack it on the side. I would normally just rip it off and not make a big deal about, but I know that if i rip 'THESE' off they will bleed and hurt... for days... I used to put a band-aid on them for a few days until they grew out enough I could just cut them off and start over. However, I cannot stand band-aids on my fingers. I can handle a band-aid just about anywhere else, except my fingers. It just drives me crazy and I cannot keep them on. And, I feel like my finger sweat.

Well, anyway, what I do now is I still file them down until I can get it slightly smooth and put a drip of Super Glue on it. Ok, when I say a little drip, I mean a very little drip. You need hardly any Super Glue to put it back together. And, then slightly blow on the Super Glue to dry it faster. I let the Super Glue dry and then file the Super Glue down. Make sure you feel with a different finger to make sure that you have the Super Glue some what even because, if it snags on anything it will drive you crazy. I have actually let breaks in my nails just keep growing because of the Super Glue.
I hope this helps you, it really helps save me some serious issues!
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